Ryan was a "sea monkey" (???) and was "getting them". They loved it!
After the beach, we grabbed a quick CFA lunch in the car and stopped back by the house to grab a few things before heading over to Honey and Granddad's. Audrey and Parker both fell asleep in the car and took car naps in their driveway. This was my plan all along--tire them out at the beach so they'd nap in the car and be ready for action when we got to their house. It worked!
We were out back and in the pool all afternoon. I haven't been in the pool for that long in a long time! Audrey and Parker love being in the water, so it was nice to be in there and play with both of them for a while. Before we left, I took a couple pictures of Audrey and then the two of them with the flags. They had a little too much fun with that!
Probably the biggest/most-real smile I've ever seen come from this boy!
These pictures just crack me up. It's the essence of the two of them. Parker is doing something to her that he thinks is funny but isn't sure if it's "okay", and she is just laughing at it. Hilarious!
We went home and the kids were BEAT. They were both so tired, but I decided I wanted to try to get a few more pictures of Audrey in her sweet dress because I didn't think I had gotten any "good" ones when I took thew few above at the J's. I am so glad I did because I got a couple pictures that are probably my fave EVER of her!

Wanting to eat the flower...
...trying to eat the flower...
...here, Momma--you want this?
Sweet little face.
I was trying everything to get her to look at the camera and smile, but my attempts weren't working. I'm sure the neighbors thought I was crazy because I was hooting and hollering and bouncing around like a maniac. I finally decided to try "fake laughing", and Audrey joined in. Worked like a charm!
This is her doing her "signature" move where she shakes her arms up and down and say "hi-i-i-i-i-i-i". You'd have to see it to know what I mean!

This girl is too cute for her own good!