The kids and I had a delish breakfast with my parents like we do every Sunday, and I had to run to Target to get a few last-minute party supplies. Once I got back to the house, I collected the kids and we headed to church.
I hadn't gotten Audrey dressed in her gown yet because I was a little nervous she might pick that outfit to have a major blowout diaper. Thankfully, even after I changed her into her gown, she held off on the poop and had no issues whatsoever!
With her Honey.
Parker was practicing his push-ups. Totally appropriate.
Sweet angel baby.
Back of the bonnet.

Us! Of course, the kids are not capable of looking at the camera.

Me and my sweetie baby. And my sweetie baby hairs. Do you see them? I had major post-pregnancy shedding and I have new hair growing back that is just kind of doing it's own thing all the time.
Thankfully, the baptism was scheduled for early in the service. I'm not sure we could have made it even a minute past when this all went down. Audrey was past due for a nap, and Parker was not very happy that he couldn't sit with his daddy by the piano. Ralph had us come up to stand while he read through the baptism service in the hymnal.
Our lay leader, Doug, and Pastor Ralph.
Our family--compact.
She was soooooo sleepy.
"What name has been given this child?"
"I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
Post-baptism prayer.
Blurry but had to include this. After he baptizes babies, Pastor Ralph walks them up and down the aisle a few times and has the congregation sing to them. Audrey was cooperative so it worked very well. It's definitely a very sweet moment.
Like I said, I had to leave the service immediately after we sat down. Parker started crying actual real, sad tears because he wanted to be with Ry. I knew Audrey was very tired anyway, so I took both of them to the parlor room in church and fed her and let her sleep for a little bit while Parker and I just talked. When church was almost over, we re-entered the sanctuary and stayed for the five minutes that were left in the service.
Audrey with Uncle Bryan, Uncle Paul and Granddaddy after church.
At this point, we took a group picture. That is another post all by itself. Be excited for that one!
We had a little get-together at our house after church to celebrate, so everyone headed right on over. We had tons of food and a really great time. I was so happy to finally be able to relax that I didn't take that many pictures.
Of course, I got one of my cupcakes--haha.
Opa loves this little girl!
Omi and Opa got Audrey the absolute sweetest little angel necklace. Love it!
Hey, sweetie.
Daddy and his girl.
Audrey with Mona!
All of the rest of the pictures were from Audrey's "official baptism portrait session" with me. hahaha! I wanted to get a few good ones of her in her dress because she will definitely never wear it again, and we have a canvas of Parker on the day he was baptized in the same spot in our living room. I was pretty happy with the pictures.
Absolutely precious and so, so sweet.