He loved it! My mom had come over to join us for dinner, and she sat on the porch swinging with Audrey while Ryan, Parker and NayNay played with the new toys. I was inside slaving away in the kitchen--haha! No really, I was cooking dinner, but I enjoy cooking. I knew that my sweetie pies were being well taken care of and getting lots of fresh air outside.
Loooooooooooooove this woman and this picture!
When they came inside, there was still a little bit of time before dinner, so I broke out another clearance purchase of watercolor paints to keep Parker busy for a bit.
Don't you just love the technique? He did a great job and drew lots of circles! That's his favorite thing to draw right now. I'm trying to get him to do squares and triangles, too.
On Saturday, we had a picnic to go to for Ryan's work that is a yearly thing. It's held at the home of a couple who has a large property with horses and chickens. We've gone every year for at least the past three years. We told Parker we were going to a farm with a barn, and he asked ALL DAY when we were going to be at the barn with the animals. He asked about what animals would be there, and we realized he thought it would be like the zoo. He was asking about elephants, giraffes, lions, etc. It was so cute. Literally, they only had horses and chickens, but it was still so fun for him. We did have to stop at the outlets and Short Pump for quick visits on the way up, of course. I can't pass them and not stop--it just wouldn't be right!
Here's Ryan talking with Tom, the man who actually lives at the "farm." You can see Parker running in between them. I think he loved having SO much room to run around.
Tom's wife, Tracey, is a preschool teacher and Parker had no problem interacting with her. She asked him if he would want to help her feed the horses, and he decided that would be a good idea.
Love this picture! So sweet.
Right before we left, Tom asked Parker if he wanted to go in the chicken coop and gather a few eggs. This was the egg Parker picked! Tom gave us a whole dozen to take home. We still haven't eaten any but definitely will this week.
On Sunday, we had a "typical Sunday." I had breakfast at my parents' house while Ryan was at church. When we left, Parker sat on my mom's little garden bench, so of course I had to take his picture.
He decided it would be a great time to scream. Haha. Notice the new Sperrys and shirt--my Williamsburg purchases.
Love this! You can see my Mom, Dad and I in his glasses--haha.
Parker decided that he wanted to have a dance party on my parents porch before we left. He had a lot of energy that morning!
After church, we went to Applebees for lunch for the SECOND week in a row. I wouldn't be upset if I never ate there again! It's just not one of my favorites. There's not much that intrigues me on their menu, and they don't serve diet Coke! Haha.
When we got home, I was determined to try to get a few "family" pictures. I like to at least try on Sundays because the kids are usually dressed in their cutest outfits. We actually got a few good ones this time.
I thought this was sweet. Parker really, REALLY loves his sister. He "talks" with her all the time and helps her play with her toys. I don't think I've ever heard him say anything "mean" about her. I know those times will come, but so far, it's been really good when I know it could have been a LOT worse.
This is just too funny. He started poking her cheek, and he thought it was the funniest thing.
This is more like it!! I was so excited when I looked back through the pictures and saw this beauty sitting there. Love this--will definitely be framing it!
It almost look like she's got a tooth in there, but she doesn't even have the first sign of one. Except for the constant drooling and chewing on anything she can get her hands on. But no actual signs!
My man and my baby girl. Notice her holding the tie? Yeah, she will have a hold on him for a looooong time. Note that I had to take about 40 pictures to get this one. I always have to take SO MANY, and I feel like everyone thinks I'm crazy, but this is the result!
The best one of Audrey and I. I feel like she's making the Mckayla Maroney face. If you don't know what I'm talking about, this explains it. Hahaha! I really wanted a picture of her smiling, but Ryan took maybe 15 pictures instead of my 40+, so it just didn't work out. ;)
I really feel that there is NO WAY we could get a picture of the four of us that's actually really good without having a professional involved. We are going to have our pictures made at the beginning of November with a local photographer for a mini-session. It's my hope that we will get a good family picture to use for our Christmas card, and then obviously to frame.
We had a great weekend and this promises to be a busy week. I love fall and am looking forward to the rest of it!