I just want to state for the record that I am upset with myself for not blogging more regularly. There--I said it (again).
Last week, Parker and Audrey both "moved up" to their respective bigger beds. I only got a little sad and didn't cry, which surprised me! I was excited to see Parker so excited, and knew that it was going to be more comfortable for Audrey. She had been sleeping in the cradle next to our bed since she was born and was starting to scoot down each night and get kind of crammed into the end.
Parker started sleeping in his "big boy bed" on August 3rd, a Friday. We talked about it for a few days prior, and that day, I took him to K-Mart and bought some Mickey sheets. He was excited about them! We were actually thinking about changing his bed on Saturday, but at about 6:30, I said, "Let's just go ahead and change it." Renee was there with us, so I knew she could help in some capacity. Ryan finished strapping down furniture, while I started to take the crib apart.
Last pictures of Parker in his crib. Clearly, he needed the crib tent!
All we had to do was take out the "middle" parts of the crib and attach the rails to turn it into a full-size bed. The hardest part was taking apart the crib because the screws were kind of hard to get out. Once we had that done, the rails snapped on easy, Ryan screwed down the slats to hold the mattress, and we had a bed for Parker! The last things we needed were the sheets. I had washed them and put them in the dryer before we started taking the crib apart. When I went downstairs to grab them out of the dryer, they were STILL WET. The dryer had been running but not blowing any heat! I couldn't believe it and thought it might be a disaster because we couldn't put his Mickey sheets on the bed. At this point, the bed was put together, so there was no turning back. I put some of our sheets on the bed and hoped he wouldn't even remember the sheets.

He did not even notice that they weren't there and crawled right up in the bed. We tucked him in, said our goodnights, and left him in there. He seemed a little apprehensive about the whole thing, but actually went to sleep pretty well. He cried for a couple minutes (not unusual for him) at the end of the bed, and then got quiet, crawled up to the pillows, and fell asleep! It was unbelievable. We were prepared for at least an hour of him crying and trying to get out of his room.

Since then, he has done pretty well in the bed. For about the last four nights, he has gone right to sleep with no crying at all. Before that, he would cry or get out of the bed a couple of times, but didn't give us any major problems. He has only had to take two naps here since then. During one, he cried and carried on for about an hour. He kept saying, "get me out of here!" Haha. I had to go in there and tell him it was "bedtime, not playtime" and put him back in the bed a few times. He finally fell asleep and stayed asleep for over two hours! For the second nap, he never did go to sleep. I am hoping that he does better tomorrow since he's been doing so good at night time.
Love the pose--haha!
Something funny is that he wakes up pretty early each morning and gets out of the bed to call for us. He doesn't actually scream out for us though. He goes to his door and stands there talking and whining a little. We can hear him saying, "where are they? where are Momma and Daddy?". Ryan went to get him the other day, and as soon as he opened the door, Parker had a stack of books and said, "I got some books, Daddy!" It was so cute. Overall, he has really done great!
Miss Audrey made a smooth transition from cradle to crib. I wasn't expecting anything crazy since it's not a big difference for her. She started sleeping in her crib on August 7th.
Last picture of Audrey in her cradle. This was actually on August 4th--the night we were originally going to put her in the crib. It just didn't work out!
She's slept pretty much the same in the crib as she did in the cradle, although she does have a lot more room to move around in the crib.
The picture on the left is her position when I laid her down, and the picture on the right is how I found her in the morning!
Last night, she woke up at about 2:00 and was fussing. I went in to see what the problem was and found her on her stomach at the side of the crib. Since she was fussing, her head was hitting the side of the crib, which was making her even more mad! I ended up feeding her and putting her back in there. Hopefully the fact that she can roll over will not become a major problem in her wonderful sleep habits!