Monday, July 30, 2012

Audrey is Two Months Old!


You are two months old and PRECIOUS!

Not your best shot, but it was the best I could get!  You weren't too happy.
  • At your doctor's appointment today, you were 24 inches long and 11 pounds 7 ounces.  This puts you in the 97th percentile for height and 75th percentile for weight.  Your head measurement was also in the 75th percentile.
  • You are still wearing a size One diaper.  They seem to fit you pretty well!  We are currently doing a trial run on cloth diapers.  I actually really like them but am scared to make the commitment.  We will see in a couple of weeks how things are going and make the full decision from there.  
  • You wear a three months size in almost everything.  
  • You are smiling and cooing more often now.  We like to have little "conversations" with you and love when you actually talk back to us!
  • You started sleeping through the night on the 18th.  It has been wonderful.  It's amazing how much better I feel throughout the day with a full night's sleep!  Keep it up, girl!
  • You really like the swing.  Parker didn't use it that much when he was a baby, but you love to sleep in it.  Almost every time I put you in there, you fall asleep within five minutes and take a decent nap.  It's great!
  • You are still sleeping in the cradle in our room.  We know you are ready to go in your crib, but Momma doesn't want you to we have to put a special board under your mattress to use the breathing monitor.  This board is under Parker's mattress and crib tent, so we just have to undo all of that to put it in your room.  Having you in our room is fine for now.  I will miss you when you're not in there anymore!
  • You have the sweetest little "mohawk" that has been there since you've been born.  These hairs just don't want to lay down, and I love them!  The rest of your hair is starting to grow in and it looks like a mix between  blonde and red.  I'm probably wrong, but no matter what, I know you'll look so sweet!
  • I love your little ears--they stick out a little but are SO sweet!  :)
  • EVERY time I put you in a "special" outfit, you poop all over it.  There have been two sweet smocked outfits and one regular outfit that I had "saved" for you to wear to look super-cute, and you had major leaky poop in all three of them!  I am scared to put new outfits on you now.

Exhibit A.  The sweet outfit I had you wear on your two-month birthday.  Possibly ruined!

Comparison shot of you and your brother at two months old.  You've got your Momma's eyes and Daddy's ears. 

We are having so much fun watching you develop a personality and can't wait to see what changes the next month will bring!

For fun, click here for Parker's two month post!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Parker has been saying some really cute stuff lately that I wanted to remember later on, so I figured I would start listing them here every now and then.  He is talking so much and saying so many different little things.

  • A couple weeks ago we were up in the playroom, and he picked up his little play phone.  He does this all the time and calls, Honey and Granddaddy, Mona and NayNay, etc.  I think it's so cute and love to listen to what he says.  During this particular play session, after falling down, he picked up the phone and said, "Hello doctor...I hit my head...okay....bye, later!"  So funny!  He always says, "bye, later" at the end of his phone conversations. 
  • A few cute words he's saying right now: callerpitter for caterpillar, Mecisin for Mexican, beevze for breeze.  

The usual reaction when I try to take pictures.
  • Parker and Ryan were reading books tonight as they always do, and I said, "Why don't you sing Sissy a song?", which is an almost nightly thing.  He responded by saying, "That's a great idea!"
  • My last post was about Parker playing the piano.  There are a couple demo songs that are fast, and some that are slow.  I have told him that I don't like the slow ones.  He asks me all the time now if I want to hear a "schlow one", and when I tell him NO, he thinks it's hilarious!

Doing puzzles with Sissy.
  • Ryan taught Parker to show us his muscles and then give them a kiss.  He calls them his "Super Muscles" and likes to show them off and make the cutest face with his lips. 

"Super Musclesssssssss"
  • I don't know where he learned this, but Parker often likes to talk with little breaks in between each word.  An example would be, "I.  Want.  To.  Do.  My.  New.  Puzzle."  It's usually followed by a super cute little face.  Today, Ryan and Parker were coming down the stairs and Ryan asked Parker, "Where are we going today?"  Parker responded and said, "I.  Don't.  Know" with the cute little grin face.  

  • Sometime last week I was in the den with Parker and Audrey, and Audrey was in her swing.  There is a mobile that hangs above it, but it wasn't in the swing at the time.  Parker grabbed it and attached it to the arm that holds the mobile and said, "I saved the day!"  
  • He currently calls me, "Ma."  I didn't think I would like it, but it's grown on me and now I love it.  He still calls me Momma sometimes, but it's usually Ma.  I think he got this from Ryan, who often says, "Hey, Ma", when he gets on the phone with his mom. 
  • Last, but not least....Ryan goes to get Parker out of his bed almost every morning.  After he changes his diaper, he brings him in our room and Parker climbs up on the bed to see me.  Last week sometime, he climbed up and said, "Hi, Momma!"  I was wearing a nightgown that is a little loose at the top, and he looked down at my chest and noticed that my boob was hanging out.  He said, "Sissy hungy {hungry}?"  HAHA!  Ryan and I laughed so hard. 

More to come, I'm sure!  

Thursday, July 5, 2012

"Hear My New Songs?"

Almost every time we come home now, Parker asks us when we come in the door if we want to hear his "new songs."  He is talking about the demo songs on Ryan's keyboard.  Parker likes to turn the keyboard on and turn on the different songs that it will automatically play while he dances to them.  It's pretty funny.  He knows which ones are fast and slow and he knows that we aren't crazy about the slow ones.  We went to Cold Stone tonight to use a gift card Ryan's mom gave us, and when we came home, we listened to the "new songs." 

Here he is turning it to a different song--with golf club in hand of course.

Major dance moves--with golf club in the air.

Taking a break to hit the ball. 

The golf club is down--time for the REAL dancing. 

This is his current move.  You can't see the other hand but it's one finger pointing up the air and the other pointing down.  Very Saturday-Night-Fever-esque.  Super cute. 

Love these brown eyes!

SO happy.  He loves dancing to these songs!

Like I said in a previous post, Parker loves his sister very much and always wants to "help" us.  Take a look:

She was crying so he was trying to give her the paci...

...and when she didn't take it he decided to shove it right on in there!  :) 

Her screaming continued until I got her on the changing table and took all of her clothes off. 

That was when I finally got this face--calm and serious.  After this it was bath time for all and then bedtime for Parker.  Now I'm sitting here writing this blog while I bounce her in her seat and Ryan's watching TV.  This is all a typical night for the Jefferson house, and we wouldn't have it any other way!  

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Father's Day (Two Weeks Later)

I was looking through pictures that need to be edited and realized I never did a Father's Day post!  Since it is on a Sunday, we always do our usual Sunday routine.  Church, lunch, naps, Omi's.  Haha!  This was Ryan's first Father's Day with two children.  I wanted to take pictures of Ryan and the kids, and Parker did not want to cooperate.  Two year old picture fun ensued.  When choosing pictures to edit I was literally laughing out lout thinking about how this went, some of my comments, and the way the pictures turned out.

Here is the best shot I could get of the two of them.  In the rest, Parker's eyes were either closed or looking in the other direction.  

Best shot of Ryan and Audrey.  I think it's a good picture but wish her hands weren't all, "Hey, I'm huge and I'm going to get you with my fingers!"  Haha. 

Another sweet one of the two of them--again with the hands!

I LOVE how she's looking up at him.  I actually love everything about this picture, although I remember taking the picture and then telling him, "That was a good one but it looks like you're choking her!"  Am I alone here?  I still love the picture and the love that's in it. 

Best picture of the three of them.  At least one person is looking at the camera!  

This was supposed to be the location for the big "Ryan with his two children" picture.  This was the best one for this part of the "session."  Can you tell someone didn't want to cooperate? 

And finally, the best outtake with the "leg grab." This is real life, people.  The only thing that would have made this picture better and described our life at this stage perfectly would have been if Audrey was screaming--hahaha!

Let me just insert here that he is an AMAZING father to our children.  I really could not ask for a better person to help me raise them.  He is loving, sweet, and fun, but also knows the value of discipline and manners.  He is encouraging and supportive.  I know that when Parker and Audrey get to the age of sports and activities, he will be there for every game or event to cheer them on and help them out.  I am so thankful for him every day and can't imagine being a parent without him right there by my side.  Also....we make beautiful children, so he's good for that, too.  Haha!  Love you, Ry!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Audrey is One Month Old!


I am sure this sounds cliche, but I can hardly believe you are one month old!  You are our new little sweetheart that we love SO much.  Here is what you've been up to this month:

  • You still wear mostly newborn size clothes and newborn diapers.  I can put some three month outfits on you, but most of them are still too big.
  • At your doctors appointment on your one month birthday, you weighed ten pounds, four ounces. 
  • Your eyes are still a dark blue.  We really want to know what color they will be!
  • You do NOT sleep through the night, which has been a little trying for us.  Your brother slept through the night starting at two weeks, so we are not used to this!  You were waking up every two hours, but now you usually wake up around 2-ish and then 5-ish.  We will get to the all night sleep schedule eventually!
  • You make a LOT of noise in your sleep.  You grunt a lot and have started doing a dry cough that has us a little worried.  We are hoping its a little cold and not an allergy.  We plan to take you to the doctor tomorrow to see what they say. 
  • You really enjoy your bath until your Daddy starts cleaning off your face and head.  Then you start the screaming!  Your umbilical cord fell off when you were two days shy of turning three weeks old, so we started giving you baths in the tub at that time.
  • You are just now starting to enjoy your bouncy seat and swing.  By enjoy I mean that you will tolerate them and fall asleep instead of screaming like a crazy baby.  This makes it easier for me to get a few things done here and there! 
  • Your brother still absolutely adores you.  Every morning he wants to give you a kiss and hold you.  He also likes to try to rock your cradle and carseat but we have told him not to because he's a little heavy-handed!  

Comparison shot of Parker and Audrey at one month old! 

Overall, we are just SO happy to finally have you here, love you to pieces, and can't wait to watch you grow into a sweet little girl.  Love you!