Saturday, November 26, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree......

We have been busy putting up decorations yesterday and today.  We will also be busy doing this tomorrow and for the next 5,000 days it seems.  It is definitely way more difficult to do this with a busy almost-two-year-old literally running around.  There have been lots of boxes thrown around with and without ornaments in them.  He's my little helper--he is very good at taking things out of the box and stacking them up elsewhere.  And then picking those things up and throwing them across the room--haha!  It can get a little frustrating and is definitely taking longer than years past, but I am enjoying every minute because I know that there will be a time when I wish he was running around at my feet tearing everything up beside me.  I also know that next year he will probably be even crazier AND I will have a six month old to watch over as well!  Things will be so different then.

So back to what's going on now...we got a new fake tree this year, and we love it!  It is pre-lit with 1,000 lights and shines so bright.  I haven't taken any pictures yet because it's not quite done, but I will soon.  We put most of the ornaments on it today but because this tree is bigger than our last one, we definitely need to get a few more.  

Later in the day, we went out to get our real tree for the den.  Parker had a good time at the tree stand and wanted to run around like a crazy person, but we had to hold him back from going too crazy because they use rebar with spikes to hold the trees up.  We didn't want him to find an empty spike!  

A smile caught on camera--very rare!

Don't worry--Ryan was close behind.

Oh, hey!  You guys are still here?

Just checking out Daddy's NOT-bald spot.  

It's our tree!  This is the lucky one that we brought home.

Many more details about our holiday season to come!  It's my very favorite, favorite time of the year.  

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Do you remember....the 21st night of September??

Yep, we do.  Here's why:

Ryan came downstairs after taking a shower and I was in the living room with Parker snapping away with the camera.  I was taking pretty much continuous pictures of Ryan, and he was very confused about it.  I told him I wanted to do a blog post about him. Did you notice the look of, "Seriously--why are you taking SO MANY pictures?"

At this point, he still hadn't noticed Parker's shirt. Parker was calling and telling all of his friends.  While riding his dinosaur, of course.


Finally, he noticed...

...but of course he had to read the shirt again to make sure...

...that it said "BIG BRO!" 

I think every person that actually reads my blog knows that I am pregnant (12 weeks today!) but I wanted to share the pictures from the "announcement" to Ryan.  He sat in the living room with us for probably almost five minutes before he actually noticed the shirt.  

I had decided to tell him that day and wanted to buy one of the pre-made shirts that says, "Big Brother."  I had to work that day, so I didn't have time to run to the Carter's store where I knew they had them.  After I picked Parker up from daycare, I went to two different stores before deciding to take one of his old shirts and iron the letters home.  Once I bought the letters, I rushed home to iron the shirt before Ryan got there, but  he was AT HOME in the shower when I pulled up.  I was in SUCH a hurry and ironed the letters on so quick while he was in the shower yelling, "What are you ironing?  Is that one of Parker's t-shirts?  What are you doing?".  I ironed the letters on so fast that I ironed on one of the "B"'s backwards.  Go me!  I think he was pretty surprised once he actually realized what was happening because we were not expecting to be able to get pregnant so easily this time.

I am due June 2nd, and we will not know the sex until January.  So far, I've had pretty bad heartburn and some nausea throughout the day, but I have not had ANY morning sickness at all.  Soooo thankful!  I've started to "show" some already, which is sooner than it was with Parker.  Nothing major, just a little extra "umph" underneath the pudge.  Haha!  I will probably start posting a few belly pictures here and there in the near future.  I am very happy to be pregnant and VERY happy to be in my second trimester as of today!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Halloween Leftovers

On actual Halloween night, we went to my boss's house for a gathering he and his wife were having.  There are TONS of kids in their neighborhood, so there really weren't any cars driving around, which was nice.  We only trick-or-treated at about six houses and then went back to my boss's to eat and socialize a bit before we went home. 

Our little monkey made another appearance.

He was super cute again, of course, but also pretty hungry this time.  Monkeys carry snack traps around all the time, right?

Our fellow partiers.  Everyone was dressed up!

Once we started trick-or-treating, Parker decided that he needed a little break after a few houses.  PS--Monkeys wear Sperrys all the time.

 He was very good about saying his version of trick-or treat ("Boda...") and then a sheepish "thank you" at the end.  So sweet!

Showing Daddy what he got!

 Us!  No one "got" our costumes, so I feel the need to explain.  Ryan's shirt says, "WINNING", and his water bottle says, "Tiger Blood."  COME ON PEOPLE--he is Charlie Sheen!  Ryan even messed his hair up--serious stuff.  And obvi, I am a goddess.  Because Charlie Sheen's goddesses were of great importance when his life was spiraling out of control.  No, they were not of the Greek/Roman variety, but I couldn't dress up as one of those goddesses.  There just wasn't a way to fit Parker into the Charlie situation.  So a monkey he was!  

Friday, November 4, 2011


This year, Halloween was a busier holiday for us than it was last year!  Ryan's parents' neighborhood had their "Halloween Parade" on Sunday, so that was the first thing we did.  I think that Parker was just kind of taking it all in.  There was a lot going on, and there were a lot of kids there! 

He got a little hungry..

....and apparently received some important text messages on Aunt Lulu's phone.

This was the picture-taking sesh before the parade.  He is holding Haley's friend, Alle's, hand.  

Can you see how excited he is in this picture?    

Fam photo!

I don't know about you, but I think it's the cutest monkey tail I've ever seen.....

The brown eyes just really get me!

He observed the time-honored "bobbing for apples", but thankfully we were able to prevent him from participating.  You know, because it's kind of gross to stick your mouth in other kids cold spit-water.  Eww.

This was the point where we knew he was totally over it.  He was leading Honey up the driveway to go back into their house.  What a party pooper!

Believe it or not, there are actually a few more Halloween pictures, but it just seemed like too many for one post.  Get excited for part two! Haha.