Monday, September 26, 2011

Say, "Cheese!"

Parker will finally say, "Cheese!", every now and then when I ask him to for pictures.  It is sooo cute and also very helpful for actually getting pictures where he is smiling and looking at the camera.  

I present...exhibit A.

I did not dare try to take away his morning "mull".  I wanted a happy picture, remember?

PS--I know it resembles a "first day of school" picture, but it's not!  I assure you he has been to Ms. Donna's house many times already.  He won't have a first day of school picture for at least 10 years, right?  I just loved his outfit with his "Super Grover" shirt and wanted to take a fresh morning picture while he was still half-asleep perky and clean!

PPS--Isn't that the cutest sippy-cup wielding thing you've ever seen?  

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sock War

These two really enjoy each other's company these days.  Parker likes to chase Reese around and Reese doesn't seem to mind it and likes to "play" with Parker.  They were both pretty excited about his socks today.

They were playing tug-o-war with Parker's socks.

Parker laughed and laughed when he would get the sock away from Reese or Reese would take the sock from him.

So happy...

.....and sweet.

He also did some spinning.

He was really enjoying himself!

We went to Wal-Mart today, and he was so good.  In general, he is usually pretty well-behaved in the store (ie, no screaming, whining, etc.).  I usually bring something for him to eat and his drink, and he's set.  Lately, he waves and smiles at people that walk by and says, "Hi!".  When they look back at him and wave, he looks at them and then points to me and says, "Momma...Momma."  Like he's telling them, "This is my Momma.  Isn't she the best?"  While I'm pushing him around, he'll also randomly say, "Momma?", and when I look down, he reaches out to give me a big hug (and sometimes a kiss). 

These are things I want to remember when he's older and slams the door to his room because I told him he had to stay home and do schoolwork instead of going out with his friends.  Oh wait....I forgot.  My baby will stay sweet forever.  Nevermind on all that stuff about door-slamming.  Not going to happen to me!

Monday, September 19, 2011


...and carefree.  The beauty of being a (beautiful, long-eyelashed) child.  

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Zoo

We took Parker to the zoo for the first time on September 2nd.  Ryan had the day off as the start to Labor Day weekend, so we started the day off at the outlets for a very little bit of shopping (Gap and Stride Rite only!).  After this, we grabbed a super-quick lunch at Chick-fil-a and headed back to Norfolk for the zoo.  It was much hotter outside than we thought it was going to be.  I mean, it was super-hot.  I'll show you proof toward the end of this post.  

Such a sweet goat.  Parker did not want to touch him.  

Me and my babe.  He's too cool to actually look into the camera when other people are, too.

"Woohoo!  I love the zooooooooooooooo!"
Overall, I'd say he was pretty whatevs about the whole thing.  He did some pointing, made some "rawwwrrrrrr" sounds, as well as  some "oo-oo-ahh-ahh"'s.  It was just so hot and he was in the stroller for a large portion of the afternoon, so I don't think he could see each and every animal.  He did like the elephants, the giraffe, and the monkeys.

I'm 100 percent sure this was his favorite part.  He loved the fountains and getting wet.  Soooo "next time" we will take him to Ocean Breeze!

Here we are on the train.  I call this picture, "Proof that it was HOT."  Red face, anyone?  

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Park

First, I want to note that I currently have two sleeping babes in my house.  Wyatt, Parker's BFF, AKA Amy's child, is here for the day.  He went to bed at 9:40 and Parker went to bed at 11, and they are both still asleep despite Reese's LOUD attempts to change that situation.  I am just doing a quick blog while I have a minute.  Great use of my time, huh?

We really like the Park in our neighborhood.  It takes us about five minutes to get there on our bikes and Parker really enjoys it.  The only thing that would make it better would be the foamy soft floor stuff that they have on some of the newer playgrounds we've visited, but overall, we like it a lot!  We went last week and had a few visitors when my Mom, Omi and Opa stopped by.

Many of the pictures did not turn out so hot because I adjusted the ISO to the wrong setting on the camera, which left a lot of "noise" in the pictures.  This will probably make sense to DSLR camera users only, but I felt the need to add the disclaimer anyways.  Here are a couple pictures that I salvaged from the bunch.

Parker loves Opa.  He says his name ALL.THE.TIME.  He loves all of his other relatives, too, of course, but there is something about Opa that intrigues him.

Big boy!  I'm pretty sure he wanted to attempt this alone, but that was not an option.

Notice the waving in the background.  He's like, "man, these people always get so excited to see me...what's up with that?"

Can you tell he's tired?  He's not quite staring at the lens.  He was looking right through me.  I took about ten pictures like this to try to get a little more expression, but that didn't happen.  

Obviously we will continue to ride to our park, but I also foresee visits to Mount Trashmore in the near future.  When it get's "too cold" to ride our bikes around the neighborhood with the boy on top of the bike, we will probably start making the short drive to Mount Trashmore to visit the BIG playground--one of Wyatt's favorite hangouts!  I'm sure we'll just happen to "run into him" a few times.  

Alright, time to end this post so I can prep lunch for THREE hungry boys.  Ryan is off and coming home from golf.  Twenty grilled cheese I come!