--Quick story--
I was leaving the office today while it was pretty much pouring down rain. I had no umbrella, but this was not a big deal to me at the time. As I walked to my car, I tripped over the curb and fell into a puddle onto my knees. Okay....we all know just how clumsy I have been throughout my life, so of course, this isn't too surprising. Soaking wet, I got up and laughed my way to the car.
I just had to laugh because the best part of the story is that Ryan and one of the Team Leaders from work saw the whole thing happen from up in Ryan's office. He was still laughing when I called him after I got into the car. I'm so glad I can provide entertainment to all employees working in the Westmoreland Building whose offices face the main parking lot. Go me!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Seven Months
Parker, you are now seven months old. Amazing! Here's what is going on with you these days:

- At your most recent doctor's appointment, you weight 20 pounds 6 ounces!
- I am still putting size Four diapers on you. I just ordered another cheap box from Amazon.com.
- You are now a Nine-monther in terms of clothes. I still manage to squeeze you into some Six month sizes, though. I'm trying to get alllll of our money's worth! :)
- You laugh and smile at us all the time. We can play peekaboo, tickle you, act like we're hitting ourselves with pillows.....all we have to do is be slightly silly and you just love it!
- You are starting to possibly say, "bye-bye," and wave your hand. We have been working on this for a while now and are very excited that it seems like you are catching on.
- You are thisclose to crawling. You get up on all fours and rock from front to back. It is the absolute funniest thing to watch. We really, really enjoy this and are really nervous about the actual crawling (or maybe it's just me)!
- Your first top tooth broke through on Sunday, 9/26. You have been "teething" for almost a month now. Your top gums have been so swollen and it just looks so painful; however, for the most part, you still seem to be the "happiest baby on the block!"
- You are sitting on your own VERY well now. Just tonight I sat opposite of you on the floor and was trying to get you to give me fives. I walked into the other room and came back with you still sitting there. I guess you are finally learning how to balance with that big head of yours! :)
- You have had lots of different types of food now. Fruit is definitely your favorite, but you also seem to enjoy your peas and green beans, too. The only thing that you've really had a major spit-out reaction to were the last batch of plums I made. The first batch you looooooooooved, but the last--not so much.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Recent Happenings
Lots has been going on around here. You know, with an almost-seven-month-old rolling around, us both working all week, and working on the house pretty much all weekend every weekend. We are so busy all the time...I feel like I hardly have any extra time to get anything other than the basics done at all. Because of this, a lot of the time I spend with Parker seems to be with him in his exersaucer, his bouncy seat, or his high chair--as opposed to in my arms or on my lap. It's something that kind of bothers me, but I guess that's just the way it is for now.
BIG anyways..............
Here's what we do in our "free time":
1. Wake Up

2. Eat

3. Play

4. Laundry

5. Cook
6. Take Baths

BIG anyways..............
Here's what we do in our "free time":
1. Wake Up
2. Eat
3. Play
Parker exploring the jungle with Wyatt
Parker in the jumper...soon after this he nearly hit his head pretty hard on the door frame.
4. Laundry
5. Cook
6. Take Baths
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Six Months (plus one week :)
Well Parker, my sweet boy.....you are now SIX MONTHS OLD! As in...half of a year has gone by since you were born. It doesn't seem possible. Time has truly flown by...here's what's going on with you!

- You are in a size Four diaper. I just bought two huge boxes from Amazon.com for only $30 total! It was very exciting. I think these will fit you for a while.
- You had your Six Month checkup with the doctor last week. You weigh 19 pounds 2 ounces and are 28 1/2 inches long. You're in the 97th percentile for height and head size and just slightly over the 75th percentile for weight. The doctor said this is all great!
- We are now fully on the path of solid foods. We are going to be introducing a new food once every two to three days from now on to get you used to different tastes and textures. So far, you've had rice cereal, oatmeal, green beans, peaches, and carrots. Coming soon are bananas, squash, and peas!
- You are still wearing some Six Months size clothes, but you are really fitting into Nine Months clothes now. I have been trying to buy clothes for the fall and winter and it's SO hard! I cannot predict how big you will be....but I've been erring on the side of bigger. I've been buying a lot of 18 to 24 months sizes. We'll see how that all works out!
- You are rolling around like crazy! If we leave you on the floor for a couple of minutes alone, you will be off of your playmat or blanket and in a totally different part of a room. You are soooooo close to crawling--it's scary. Mommy isn't ready for all this movement yet! Babyproofing is in the near future.
- You have two sweet little teeth that have come in on the bottom. They are adorable and we just love to see you smile. You have only bitten me a couple of times while nursing. Your teeth feel like little razor blades!
- Not sure what the deal is with this, but you move your hands around a lot. Aunt Amy compared your hand movements to a magician's hands--you look like you're casting a spell on everyone. It stresses me out because I keep wondering if it's something that's wrong, but your father has assured me that it's probably just a "thing" you do. Everyone comments on your magical hands!
- You are starting to make noises that sounds like "mama" and "dada." I don't know if that's what you're actually saying but it's SO FREAKIN' SWEET. I love it. You get this serious look on your face and kind of stick your tongue out sideways. Then you "talk." Sometimes it comes out loud, sometimes it comes out as a whisper, but it's always very sweet.
- You love to go on walks. Honey takes you on a walk every day that she has you, and when Daddy watched you this past weekend on his own, you two went on several walks together. The three of us go on walks through the neighborhood often, too. The weather is starting to cool down enough that we will be able to enjoy these even more!
- Speaking of you and Daddy, I left you for an out of town trip for the first time this past weekend. I was in Atlanta from Friday to Monday for a work trip, and you spent the weekend with Daddy. Apparently, the two of you had a great time! I missed you sooooooooooo much, but I knew you were in good hands the whole time. I was so happy to see you on Monday!
- You can sit on your own for very short periods of time. I think you would be sitting perfectly by yourself if it weren't for your 97th percentile head! We work on this a lot and it seems that you are improving on your sitting skills.
- You are such an overall happy baby. You wake up in a great mood each day and stay that way for the most part. We love to just play with you and watch you entertain yourself. You don't mind having other people hold you too much, but lately you've been uncertain around some men. You've cried with Uncle Bryan and Uncle Frank looking at you. You've also been a little concerned about Uncle Jim. I think it's just a "phase"--or that they're all pretty scary!
Our family...six months later. Our lives are much better than we ever thought they could be thanks to you. We love you so much!
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